The RC-88 signal generator can deliver a multi-band signal for reception tests of Radio Controlled Clock’s or watches. The output level can be displayed in μV or dB. All default frequencies can be tuned for frequency shift tests. A back up battery powers the internal clock when AC power is removed. As this unit have a highly sealed cabinet, the carrier signal will have a very small leakage out of the case making it suitable to be used for tests in shielded enclosures. To keep long time accurate of the display clock, RC-88 employs a GPS time receiver which can update the timer clock every minute.
Electrical Specification
Default system:
- JJY (40kHz)
- JJY (60kHz)
- WWVB (60kHz)
- MSF (60kHz),
- HGB (75kHz)
- DCF77 (77.5kHz)
Frequency adjust range: 1Hz-199.999kHz
Set frequency resolution: 1Hz
Carrier output level: 1 dB-132dBu (1uV-4V) EMF / + 1dB
Output Impedance: 50Ω
Amplitude Modulation Depth: 20dB (JJY), 17dB (WWVB), 0 & 100% (MSF), 12dB (25%) (HGB&DCF)
Code Pulse level: 0-4V
Input code pulse level: 3-4V
Operation voltage:110V/220V + 10% 15W
GPS sensitivity: -42dBm